Where to Get the Best WordPress 维护?

  1. What Kind of WordPress Help You Can Get
  2. Comparison of 6 Premium WordPress Services
  3. 结束它

You don’t have to be a technical genius to create a site with a WordPress主题. But once the work is done, it’s too early to relax. All WordPress sites break at some point. There are many hazards that can affect their performance: malware, 黑客, DDoS攻击, 过时的软件.

Have you ever thought who’ll care of your WordPress website once it goes live? It takes longer to keep it updated, backed up, and protected. Unless you are tech-savvy, you’ll also have to seek for advice on WordPress帮助论坛 并尝试 教程. Add your main business tasks to that, and sleepless nights are guaranteed.

You can get third-party WordPress support in two ways. The first one is to hire a specialist, but his work can cost you a four-digit paycheck a month.

A much cheaper alternative is to rely on WordPress help services that have become really demanded. Trying always to provide our clients with the best, we couldn't but accept this fact.

That’ why today we are glad to introduce you to our new WordPress and WooCommerce support service - 维护!

维护 is a monthly or annual subscription for the best WordPress support services by Templateog体育首页. Everyone who runs any kind of WordPress website can rely on it. 只要选择一个定价方案 (基本或特级). Then take a decision for how long you would like to have your site cared of. Plus, do pay attention that subscribing yearly you’ll get 2个月的完全免费服务.


What Kind of WordPress Help You Can Get

Some WordPress maintenance tasks we manage are listed below:

  • WordPress备份. You’ll have all the data saved in the cloud storage. If your site crashes, you won’t lose anything.
  • WordPress Engine and 插件 Updates. Whenever there’s a new version of your plugin, theme or WordPress core, you’ll get it installed.
  • 正常运行时间监控. Your WordPress site will always be under supervision. If it suddenly goes down, you can bring it back online ASAP.
  • WordPress安全监控. Malware and other threats will be detected before they harm your site.
  • SEO WordPress Support and Basic Setup. Experts can add alt tags to images, metadata, links, and sitemap to grow your ranking.
  • 报告. You’ll receive the info about your site performance, security, backups, WordPress updates, etc.
  • 10% and 20% Discounts for Customization Services!
  • 每周速度优化
  • 免费场地转移
  • 使用InMotion托管
  • 24/7 Life Chat and Ticket Support

Comparison of 6 Premium WordPress Services

Learn how the best WordPress support services differ from each other. It will help you choose the most profitable solution!

WP站点维护 TM维护 WP管家 积极的WP WP爱好者 GoWP
云备份 + - + + + +
软件更新 + - + + + +
正常运行时间监控 24/7 24/7 24/7 24/7 24/7 24/7
安全保护 + + + + + +
Website Improvement Suggestions - +定制折扣 - - - -
急救护理 额外的 24/7支持 额外的 额外的 额外的 额外的
WooCommerce支持 从299美元/ mo 从69美元/ mo - - - -
2个月免费年度计划 - + - - - -
举办 - InMotion举办每月29美元起 - - 额外收费 -
主题安装 - + - - - -
搜索引擎优化服务 + + - - + -
每月的价格 $79 - $299 $29 - $69 $39 - $599 $79 - $399 $67 - $197 $250 - $1100
  - + - - - -
24/7实时聊天支持 + + - - + -


有了这些专业人士 WordPress的服务, your site will be always updated, secure, and fast. It’s up to you which one of them to use to upkeep your site. And, of course, you can also delegate your WordPress tasks to our 维修团队, 24/7!


How to Manage a Website with Templateog体育首页 Website 维护 Services

The Best WordPress Services: WP爱好者 vs WP Curve vs 维护 by Templateog体育首页

Essential WordPress 维护 Tasks for Optimal Website Performance

Building WooCommerce Multi-Vendor Websites

Unsplash Royalty Free Stock Photos in 一个会员

Don’t miss out these all-time favourites

  1. 最好的 举办 用于WordPress网站. Tap our link to get the best price on the market with 82% off. If HostPapa didn’t impress you check out other 选择.
  2. 网站安装服务 - to get your template up and running within just 6 hours without hassle. No minute is wasted and the work is going.
  3. 一个会员 - to download unlimited number of WordPress主题s, 插件, ppt and other products within one license. 因为越大越好.
  4. 现成的网站服务 is the ultimate solution that includes full template installation & 配置, 内容集成, implementation of must-have 插件, security features and Extended on-page SEO optimization. A team of developers will do all the work for you.
  5. 必备的WordPress插件 - to get the most essential 插件 for your website in one bundle. All 插件 will be installed, activated and checked for proper functioning. 
  6. Finest Stock Images for Websites -创造惊人的视觉效果. You’ll get access to Depositphotos.com to choose 15 images with unlimited topic and size selection.
  7. SSL Certificate Creation service - to get the absolute trust of your website visitors. Comodo Certificate is the most reliable http protocol that ensures users data safety against cyber attacks. 
  8. Website speed optimization service - to increase UX of your site and get a better Google PageSpeed score.


Nerd, tech-savvy writer and website development specialist. Likes to find free 选择 of paid software and knows how to launch a new website really without big losses of time, 努力和金钱. 跟着他走 推特.


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