How to Create Squeeze Page with WordPress

When it comes to online advertising, 对于企业所有者来说,不断寻找新的更好的技术来鼓励潜在客户执行他们需要的转换是很自然的. In most cases, 所需要的转换要么是注册一个产品/通讯,要么是购买一个项目. To best ensure that they are getting the conversions they need, business owners will have to place their “call to actions” in a prominent location, or, 实施一系列的营销技巧,可以有效地抓住他们的在线观众的注意力——其中一种方法是使用挤压页面.

挤压页面的设计正是通过“挤压”潜在客户通过销售渠道从登陆页面或获取他们的电子邮件地址,以轻微的中断形式. 当您访问其他网站时,注意到弹出或链接显示包含用户利益的广告信息, this is likely a squeeze page which brings about the next concern: user experience.

Considering the use of a website through the eyes of a potential customer, the pop ups, or link notifications, may be perceived as a source of annoyance. Therefore, 企业所有者必须采取行动,通过提供诱人的服务来消除挫败感的可能性, useful, and relevant offers that will encourage them to take action instead.

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As an ideal, a good squeeze page should contain offers that are usually sent through emails for full viewing; this will ensure that one will also be able to collect email addresses with permission to send advertising content for future email marketing purposes. 提供信息和资源的企业所有者应该注意确保他们的信息和资源是独一无二的, 包含不容易通过YouTube或谷歌等资源搜索到的信息. 通过能够沟通他们的业务产品和服务的差异和有用性, more customers would be willing to follow through with conversions. 一些好的挤压页面可以提供的优惠和产品的例子是免费软件试用, eBooks, industry insights, discounts, and other informative emails.

Other elements of an ideal squeeze page include.


挤页设计布局应该以一种有效地捕捉并允许观众专注于单独呈现的报价的方式进行. Hence, 建议对内容进行筛选,删除任何可能分散注意力的内容,以防止访问者离开. 一些网站所有者在显示弹出窗口时,会把网页的其他部分调暗,这样访问者的注意力就会被吸引到它上面. 企业主也可以通过选择添加直接链接到社交媒体的小部件来鼓励注册. This way, visitors can see which of their friends are also users of the website, and how many others are immediately benefiting from the website. The more trustworthy the squeeze page seems, the more willing others are to trust it.



当谈到创建一个好的挤压页面时,透明度是另一个必要因素,因为潜在客户应该清楚他们的信息将被用来做什么,以及网站需要他们做什么. 如果需要的话,网站所有者甚至可以决定制作并播放一个视频来解释注册的好处.

Creating Squeeze Pages with WordPress

If you are interested in creating a squeeze page for your own website with WordPress, there are some measures you can undertake to do so. For business owners who are not well versed with programming or coding, there are functional plugins and themes that could do the trick.



Current, on the other hand, is a theme that was created to suit just about any website. 它的好处是允许企业主通过使用页面构建器集成来添加他们的挤压页面. 这个主题最有趣的是,它可以促进应用程序和软件产品, on top of being ideal for simple website designs.


希望使用当前WordPress主题的企业主也不必担心,因为可以使用插件. 说到插件,有很多不错的选择来创建挤页. Some recommendations include WP Lead Plus Free Squeeze Page Creator, MiniMax, WordPress landing pages, WP easy Columns, and more!

WP Lead Plus Free Squeeze Page Creator 最推荐的插件之一是挤页创建,因为它包含一个单页自动响应功能. This essentially allows users to simply plug in the shortcodes, 并且通信可以通过插件自动发送,而无需手动调整. Business owners are also allowed design capabilities, Facebook integration and even be able to track the conversion rates under WordPress analysis features; they can also choose where the pop up appears and is placed on different website pages too.

WP Easy Columns 另一个漂亮的插件可以合并到他们现有的主题,基本上允许他们利用和创建网格布局与尽可能多的列的需要. 这本质上允许用户在他们现有页面的栏目中创建时事通讯注册,作为挤压页面.

Developer: Unknown
Price: Free

WordPress Plugins

WordPress Landing Pages 提供类似的功能,但也方便用户添加预填充表单. Business owners can make use of the action numbers, hooks, and filters to better handle and manage data as well.

Developer: Inbound Now
Price: Free

Then, there’s MiniMax,当涉及到登陆页时,它是专门为易于构建而设计的. 它也适用于挤压页面,因为它本质上帮助企业主跟踪成功指标, 轻松创建A/B测试和一大堆不同的功能,而无需依赖HTML或编码.

Regardless of the conversions you are looking for, 不可否认的是,只要一个人注意不要“垃圾邮件”或给他们的客户制造麻烦,挤压页面就有其用途. Start one today and watch the conversion rate slowly creep higher and higher!

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Alana Berge

Alana热衷于社交媒体营销,以及在Facebook上推广个人品牌的所有相关内容, Instagram, and Twitter.

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