关于食物的最佳菜单实践 & 喝的网站. 奖励-有用的菜单插件

食物和设计有很多共同之处. 他们需要技巧、高度的美感和灵感. The greatest designs are impossible without delicious food that is so important for high spirits, 灵感和出色的工作. And inalienable part of food philosophy is food-designing - making appetizing presentations of dishes.

食品和饮料网站 结合“食物”和“设计”的概念, 让它们为一个结果而工作——有效地推广餐馆, 咖啡馆, 酒吧, 面包店, 等. Let’s illuminate in this post the best examples of such website designs, namely their menu pages. 在这里, 餐饮菜单设计灵感.

Restaurant begins with menu, and a good web presence with a well-done design. 当一家餐厅上线时,它应该放一个 强调网站和菜单展示的设计. Showing dining area in the gallery, for example, will easily draw more clients in.


  • 将更多的室内和室外照片放入画廊, 或作为全宽图像进入背景, so visitors will always feel atmosphere of the place while browsing the site.
  • 在你的网站上指出以下几点:
    • Menu
    • 价格会很好
    • 放置照片或视频
    • 位置
    • 网上预订的可能性
    • 电话号码

颜色的选择也很重要. 他们 营造良好的氛围,提高观众的兴趣. Some colors look more appealing than the others, in case of restaurant designs. 例如,对于这样的网站来说,蓝色就不是一个好的选择.


  • 像红色这样明亮的颜色是很好的(它能刺激食欲).)
  • 暖色能营造出友好的氛围.
  • 亮绿色强调新鲜.
  • By the way, various natural textures are also good for creating pleasant-to-look-at atmosphere.

强调摄影对食物来说是一个很好的练习 & 喝的网站. 食物 is the primary interest, so presenting it at its best will make the viewers’ mouths water. Good photographer is a must-have person who will help you create a stunning gallery.

菜单——是一门艺术. 大多数游客在看了一份做得很好的菜单后就会预订. It 应该是可读的,有序的,吸引人的,照片,因此价格欢迎. 为客户提供服务 PDF菜单在今天不是一个好的做法. og体育看起来都很普通, like the ones printed on paper without any visually attractive elements. 不要懒于创造一些特别的东西.

By the way, in the second part of the post you’ll find free WordPress 插件 for nice menus.


  • 易用性
  • 可读性
  • 可过滤搜索(访问者可以更快地找到他们需要的内容), 如果他们能缩小到餐的类型:早餐, 午餐, 晚餐, 晚餐, 甜点, 葡萄酒, 等.)

The following examples of food and drink menu designs will show you clean and easy-to-browse menus. Some of them are noticeable for their attractive original look, others for interactivity. 我希望你会喜欢它们.

To summarize all the mentioned above, I can single out key points of any good food and drink website. 这样的设计应该体现这个地方的“个性”, 营造愉快的氛围, 让你感受到食物的味道. 菜单应该是网站上最容易找到的东西.

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沙利文 & Bleeker

在左侧栏中,您可以找到带有预览的产品列表. 点击“放大镜”按钮可以看到所选项目的图像.


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下面是其中一个最好的例子. Wise categorization of menu items presented here helps the client easily make a choice. 菜单与飞出子菜单一起使用, so you’ll never lose yourself in a variety of dishes offered for breakfast, 午餐, 等.


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去找下一家餐厅的菜单, click the same-name item in the vertical main menu in the left sidebar. The fly-out page with Accordion slider will show you the list of dishes you’re welcome to taste in this place.


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悬臂鱼 & 芯片

向下滚动这个带有视差效果的单页网站. Here you’ll see the menu page presented as a black board with all menu items written with a chalk on it. Several fonts, color accents, price notifications – everything is readable and easy-to-perceive.


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《og体育》的整个布局看起来真的很棒. Full width images of a restaurant made in an industrial style will show you where exactly are you going to taste all those tasty dishes and snacks. As for the menu, it's created in a form a small window that appears in the page' body. 在这里,你可以找到经过深思熟虑的餐饮分类. Depending on where exactly in the menu you are, the picture in the header will change.


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At 卡布奇诺 you will find a classy menu that will not cause difficulties in understanding. “但它为什么在这里呢??你会问,按下顶部的按钮,你就知道了.


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视差是我们都很喜欢的东西. 弗兰基餐厅的菜单继承了这一伟大的设计潮流.


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To navigate the following menu placed against the background with cardboard texture, 点击食物通知图标. 然后使用滑块,浏览所有菜单页面.


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La Maddalena

干净时尚, 有着可爱的乡村氛围, 餐厅的下一个地点因其每一个微小的部分而迷人. Take a look at a menu placed in a book with a navigation menu leftwards and a list of dishes rightwards.


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The menu at 的勒 is quite traditional, unlike in other restaurants from this showcase. It’s created in a minimalistic style with photos of products you’ll be eating, 或者只是在流口水.


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L 'unita

L 'unita餐厅的菜单采用了视差效果, that’s quite impressive (in terms of all those beautiful pictures of food that slide in front each other.),当你点击我们的菜单选项卡, 你会看到三个黑色的圆圈, 单击它们中的每一个,将出现产品列表. Actually, it looks like a check from a cash register, don’t forget to drag it both sides to see more.


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沿着这个美味的菜单开始一段迷人的旅程. 它靠在纸板上,上面有很酷的图案. 美味披萨、馅饼等的大图片. 会吸引更多的客户吗. Dishes are grouped in separate blocks with tabs (additional categorization) for ease-of-use.


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单页,视差功率,固定标题-这都是关于这个网站. Open hours of this restaurant are pointed in the fixed header where you can also find a link to the menu page. It looks smashingly – white readable menu items against the black textured background. 也提到了价格.


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简洁和干净的外观总是很受欢迎. 这个菜单显示了这两件事可以很好地结合在一起. 看看这家餐厅能给你提供什么, 只要点击标签,在下面的列表中找到你想要的菜.


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又一个菜单通过手风琴滑块的方式呈现. Click the red “plus” sign and see which tasty dishes are hidden there.


这些数 免费插件 会对你的食物有用吗 & 喝的网站. 如果你不知道如何展示菜单, 试试这些, 你会得到一个组织良好的菜单页面.


If you're running a small pizza business and you want to have a simple, 但有效的WordPress网站-看看这个插件. With it's help you'll be able to implement a pizza constructor into your website.

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下一个插件将派上用场的所有食物 & 喝的网站. It allows to group all products in separate categories and display the created menu with (foodmenu) 短码.

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食物 & 饮料菜单

餐厅、咖啡馆、酒吧和各种同类美食 & 饮料网站会发现这个插件非常有用. 在它的基础上构造一个菜单是很容易的——你创建, 将它们分成几个部分, 然后点你想要的菜单.

食物 & 饮料菜单

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Try this plugin for creating a well-structured menu that you can display in jQuery accordion or jQuery tabs. Wisely grouped items will facilitate visitors’ search for the desired menu items.


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这个插件允许你很容易地维护在线菜单. 您将能够添加和更新菜单列表没有任何问题, 您的网站访问者将获得易于感知的菜单. 该插件包括类别、价格和描述.


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现在, when you’re inspired with great examples and have several WordPress menu 插件, you’re ready to create your own that will be really great and creative. Hope, we’ll see your design in the next compilation of stunning and worth-to-see sites.

P.S. If you already have one, feel free to brag with a link in the comments:)


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卡特琳娜是一名内容作家, one of those who create all-that-inspirational sometimes technical posts for Templateog体育首页 blog.


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