How to Add WordPress推送通知

Do you use push notifications on your site? 没有? 现在是时候使用这个有效的工具来与你的受众进行更好的互动和更好的内容推广了.

WordPress主题 推送通知在现代企业主中非常流行. 在博客和网站上使用这些已被证明比久经考验的时事通讯订阅表单更有效. 关于网页推送的最好的事情是用户不需要浏览你的网站就能看到你的通知. He may not even have the browser window opened.



WordPress推送通知将帮助您通知受众关于您的网站上出现的新内容. You can also send custom messages to your clients at any time. 推送通知可以显示在所有的设备和所有的网络环境可以想象. While choosing the optimal push notification plugin for your site, keep in mind the audience that you target. Are those smartphone or desktop users mainly? What browsers do people use to access your site? Keep this in mind during the decision-making. 仔细检查所选择的扩展是否支持正确的web平台.

最初, push notifications were introduced for Android 和 iOS devices in 2009, 和 started to spread across the rest of the web platforms afterward.

All modern-day web browsers support push notification. 根据, the global support for push notifications makes up more than 40%. Safari was the first web browser that started to provide support for push. 接下来是Chrome和Firefox. Google Chrome is currently the most popular web browser worldwide. So, 为Chrome用户打开推送通知将自动提升您的业务覆盖范围.


打开电子邮件收件箱里的每一份时事通讯的日子已经一去不复返了. 一般来说,人们会浏览电子邮件. 在罕见的季节折扣或他们最喜欢的品牌周年纪念日, customers can open the newsletter to see what's inside. 有太多的在线公司抢占了网络用户的电子邮件收件箱. 通常情况下,这样的信件会被标记为垃圾,以便以后再也不会打扰收件人.

Push notifications can bring customers back to your site. On seeing a message right in front of them, 人们可以立即决定你的内容是否吸引他们. 在完美的情况下, 用户会点击推送通知来阅读你网站上的详细信息.

Thus, using push notifications on your site, you can:

  • 增加用户粘性;
  • 促进电子商务销售;
  • 提高记忆力;
  • 提高点击率.

3 Case Studies from Companies that Benefit from Push Notifications

事实上, 有许多公司分享了他们通过推送通知提高用户粘性的成功案例. Web pushes are not for everyone, there is no doubt in the fact. What works for one business can have an opposite effect for another. 需要记住的是,你的推送通知不应该因为频率太高而惹恼公众. Focus on quality rather than quantity of your web pushes, 和 the desired results won't be long in coming.

  • 网飞公司 拥有庞大的客户基础. Each subscriber has his own preferences, habits, 和 dem和s. 该公司所做的是根据用户的观看历史发送个性化的推送通知. 关于他们最喜欢的电影的新情节的简单提醒是提高用户粘性和忠诚度的好方法.
  • Push notifications are especially useful for eCommerce businesses. 每个销售产品和提供服务的人都面临着废弃购物车的问题. La Redoute, 一家销售法式服装的公司, 使用推送通知来提醒他们的移动应用程序用户购物车中剩下的商品. 每个通知都是高度个性化的,并将客户带到购物车中,在那里他可以完成订单. 这样做的时候, the company increased the retargeting click-through rates by 2-3 times, 与常规的手机广告相比.
  • 捷蓝航空 航空公司使用推送通知来提醒旅客即将到来的登机手续. Although this didn't bring the immediate conversion rates boost, 捷蓝航空给顾客留下了一个可靠的印象,顾客会参考这家公司预订下一个航班.

How to Add Push Notifications to Your WordPress Site

There are plenty of push notifications WordPress 插件 available. Based on your budget 和 the functionality that you want it to include, you can opt for free or paid WordPress extensions. Different 插件 are compatible with different browsers 和 devices. 所以,为了做出正确的选择,建议你检查一下你的谷歌分析统计数据.

One of the most popular WordPress push notifications 插件 is OneSignal. 2人信任,3% of all websites available on the web, 这是最容易处理的功能扩展之一,让内容创建者专注于高质量的用户参与度,而不是将各自的功能复杂地集成到他们的网站中.

的主要特点 OneSignal WordPress插件包括:

  • 15分钟的设置;
  • 实时跟踪;
  • 所有主要sdk和设备支持;
  • A/B测试信息;
  • 分割的目标;
  • automatic delivery of the relevant notifications to the web users.


为了在你的网站上添加推送通知插件,你需要在你的网站上安装它. 你可以在你的WordPress仪表板中搜索onessignal,或者直接从WordPress存储库下载. 一旦完成,激活它.


创建一个免费帐户 在OneSignal.


I order to get started, you will need to add a new app. 给出一个名字. 完成后,点击“创建”.


选择平台. In this guide, we create push notifications for web browsers. So, select "Website Push" 和 keep moving further.


Next, you will be taken to the 配置 page. Select "typical website" 和 move further.


Enter the name of your site, URL address, 和 default icon URL.


Next comes the permission prompt setup. 在这个界面中, 你需要设置以何种方式向网络用户请求发送推送通知的许可.

首先,选择提示类型—订阅铃声(在左侧)或幻灯片提示(在右侧). 接下来,定制提示符所包含的文本和按钮. You can preview the results of the prompt 配置 straight away.




下载onessignal SDK文件并将其上传到站点目录的顶层根目录.


就是这样. 现在你可以开始收集新的订阅者,并在你的网站上增加公众参与度.

How to Unsubscribe from Push Notifications

每个浏览器都提供自己独特的方式来取消订阅推送通知. 既然我们已经开始谈论Chrome,让我们看看如何 unsubscribe from receiving push notifications in Chrome (PC).

Click the gear icon int he push notification.


为了… unsubscribe from a site you are on in Chrome (PC),完成以下步骤:

Click the info button to the left of the site's URL.



就是这样! You've unsubscribed from the push notifications.

Setting up WordPress push notifications is easier than it seems. The described steps can be completed within a few minutes. 一旦安装和调整, 您可以开始尝试以不同频率向订阅者提供不同类型和形式的内容.

试一试吧. The benefits of using push notifications on WordPress sites are unparalleled. 用各自的功能增强你自己的网站或博客,并看到用户参与度的提高.

P.S. 我们将非常感谢您在这篇文章😉下面的评论中分享您对使用WordPress推送通知插件的感想



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