

PrestaShop 1.6.x. How to 出口/进口 data in CSV文件s

文森特白 2015年2月2日
等级: 5.0/5. 从3票开始.

The following tutorial is going to show how to 进口/出口 data in CSV文件s in PrestaShop 1.6

PrestaShop 1.6.x. How to 出口/进口 data in CSV文件s

注意: In PrestaShop you can 出口 and 进口 categories, 产品, 客户, 地址, 制造商, 供应商, 组合和别名. 如果需要,这是有用的, 例如, to 出口 categories and 产品 from one store and 进口 them into another. The 出口 and 进口 process is done with the help of CSV (comma-separated values) files.


  1. 登录你的prestshop 指示板.

  2. You can 出口 information from the page in the admin panel where you can manage that particular information. For example, to 出口 the 产品, go to Catalog->产品 在管理面板中,单击 出口 右上角按钮:


  3. A small window will pop out where you can save the 产品 into a CSV文件 在您的本地计算机上.

  4. If you want to 出口 your categories, go to Catalog->类别 然后使用 出口 button. In the same way if you want to 出口 the 客户, go to Customers->Customers 然后使用 出口 button; for the 地址 this will be Customers->Addresses->出口 按钮等.

  5. 一旦你有了 CSV文件(s) with the 出口ed information 在您的本地计算机上, you can 进口 it into another PrestaShop instance or in the same one. If necessary, you can edit the file before 进口ing it.


  1. Before you 进口 anything into your PrestaShop, we recommend that you make a 备份 of that shop, unless it’s empty and you have nothing to lose.

  2. 要导入 CSV文件, regardless of whether it’s for categories, 产品, 客户, etc.,登录到管理面板,然后转到 Advanced Parameters ->CSV 进口:


    An alternative is to go to the page for managing whatever you want to 进口 and click on the 进口 按钮. For example, if you want to 进口 categories, you can go to Catalog ->类别 然后单击进口按钮. 这将自动 重定向 you to the same CSV 进口 page in the admin panel.

  3. On the CSV 进口 page there are the following options:

    • 什么样的? 实体 您要进口吗? – from this drop-down menu you can select whether the CSV文件 that you’re about to 进口 contains categories, 产品, 客户, address, etc. 当你选择 实体 你会看到它的字段 实体 在右边的区域.

    • 选择您的 CSV文件 – from this option you can upload the CSV文件 这就要进口了. 点击 上传为文件 button 然后使用 window that pops out to locate the CSV文件 that you have previously 出口ed 在您的本地计算机上. 选择历史/FTP 按钮允许上传 CSV文件 直接从 FTP (adminXXX /导入 目录 prestshop的安装).

    • 文件语言 – from this drop-down menu you can select the language of the CSV文件.

    • ISO-8859-1编码文件? – If the file is in that encoding, you should 启用此选项.

    • 字段分隔符 – usually the field separator in CSV文件s is a semicolon.

    • 多值分隔符 -默认情况下,这是逗号.

    • 导入前删除所有… – if you enable the option, the existing data will be deleted.

    • 使用产品参考作为关键 – this option is available only when you’re 进口ing 产品. It’s disabled by default which means that the product key that will be used is automatically selected by PrestaShop. If you want to force PrestaShop to use the product reference option as the product key, 启用此选项.

    • 强制所有ID号 -默认, this setting is disabled which means that PrestaShop will assign its own IDs to the 进口ed data. If you want to keep the original IDs, 启用此选项:


  4. When you’re done with the settings, click the 下一个步骤 下面的按钮.

  5. On the page that opens you’ll see a table with the data 这就要进口了. You can use it to make sure that the headers of the CSV文件 that you’re going to 进口 match the headers required by PrestaShop. At the top of the table there are drop-down menus showing which header PrestaShop expects at each particular position of the table, and under them you’ll see the headers of the columns as they exist in the CSV文件:


  6. 当你准备好了,点击 导入CSV数据 button.

  7. When the data from the file is 进口ed, you’ll be brought back to the CSV 进口 page. If there was some problem with the 进口, there will be a message(s) on the red background. There might be some other non-critical 警告 messages which doesn’t mean the 进口 wasn’t successful. 这样的信息显示在棕色屏幕上 background:


本教程到此结束. Now you know how to 进口/出口 data in CSV文件s in PrestaShop 1.6.

Feel free to check the detailed video tutorial below:

PrestaShop 1.6.x. How to 出口/进口 data in CSV文件s

这个条目被张贴了出来 PrestaShop教程 和标记 CSV, data, 出口, 进口, Prestashop. 书签的 永久链接.


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