
Joomla 3.x 文档


If you don't want to spend your time installing the template, don't hesitate to 订单 installation service using our live-chat.

This method lets you install Joomla CMS引擎, Joomla模板, 样本数据 所有必要的 扩展.


Once you've completed uploading the 文件s to a hosting-server, you should prepare an empty database for your Joomla website. It should be created with the help of the database management tool in Hosting CPanel [PhpMyAdmin的 通常].

Follow the simple instructions to create a new database through the phpMyAdmin [check the slides below]:
  1. In 订单 to access the list of databases, press the “Database” button in the top navigation menu.
  2. Input the database name in the "Create new database" field.
  3. 按“创建”按钮.

You will see the new database in the listing. Click on the database name link in 订单 to get access to the 一个.

Check the instruction accompanied by the illustrations [click on switches to move on]:

Check out the video-tutorial: 如何创建数据库.

Should there be any issues when database creating, please contact your hosting provider to assist.


To start working with Joomla, you need to upload 文件s to your hosting server first. This can be accomplished either by your Hosting CPanel File Manager or FTP-client.

Follow the simple instruction:

  1. Open the template and access to 'joomla' folder.
  2. 选择“un邮政编码”.Php '和'fullpackage '.邮政的 文件s and upload them to your server [for more information check How to upload 文件s to the server].
  3. 输入“解压缩”的通行证.服务器上的Php文件[http://your_domain_name/un邮政编码.php在地址栏中.
  4. You will see the following window:

  5. In the field 'Choose your 邮政编码文件’ select the uploadedfullpackage.邮政编码文件 .
  6. In the field '解压缩 to’ choose the folder to un邮政编码文件s.
  7. 按下 '解压缩’ button to un邮政编码文件s.

Make sure you've set the correct permissions type for the un邮政编码ping 文件s folder. The permissions should be CHMOD 755 or 777, depending on the sever configuration.

Joomla CMS安装

请, complete all the preparation steps and install all the necessary software.

Open your browser and enter the path to Joomla folder in the browser address bar [for example, http://your_domain_name/joomla]. You will see the Joomla CMS安装 window.


In the “Select Language” dropdown menu , select the language of your Joomla installation-master.

注意: in the “Select Language” dropdown menu you have an option choose the language of the Joomla installation process only. You not select your website language.

Fill in all the form fields of the “Main Configuration” section. Be sure to complete all fields that are marked with an asterisk [ mandatory field].

请 fill in the fields: “管理电子邮件”, "Admin Username" and "Admin Password" in the right column in 订单 to create a new Joomla website user with admin rights.

“管理电子邮件”, "Admin Username" and "Admin Password" each, is necessary for accessing Joomla website admin panel. 请 keep the data confidential.

Once you've entered all the data, press the 下一个 button in the upper right corner:


Then you need to input your database details. 请, contact your hosting provider to get the correct details.

安装ing Joomla from scratch, you should just enter "Host Name", “用户名”, "Database Name" and "Password". You can normally leave other options set to Default. However, there can be some differences depending on your hosting provider.

Once you've entered all the details, press the 安装 按钮:


Joomla CMS installation is almost complete now. At the “概述” stage you need to select, whether you want to install Joomla Sample data or not.

注意: Sample Data are necessary to make your website similar to the template Live Demo: with all the sample images, texts and saved module settings. 导入样例数据, please choose Sample Data with the title "sample_主题# # #", where ### is the theme number.

请 select 样本数据 in case you want to install them or press "N一个", if you no 样本数据 to be on your Joomla website:

你可以检查一下, whether the database configuration and admin panel access details are valid, 用电子邮件发送:

You can verify your hosting server conformity with the Joomla requirement and check your installation settings once again. Should warning notification boxes are displayed on the "Recommended settings" section, please contact your hosting provider for further assistance:

单击 安装 继续按钮.


祝贺你! You have successfully installed Joomla CMS.

As you see, it is not that complicated.

To enhance security level, please delete the "安装ation" folder from your Joomla root directory.

提示: 你可以检查一下 the detailed video tutorial on How to install Joomla 3 engine.

请 note: In case you have performed the Complete installation, you can skip the "模板安装", "示例数据安装" and "扩展 安装ation" sections as you have all these elements already installed.

Now you are ready to proceed to your Joomla CMS based website configuring. 点击“网站” button, in 订单 to open your website or press “管理员" to access your Joomla admin panel.


If you already have a Joomla based website and want to change its design, you need to use the template installation method.

This method lets you to install a Joomla模板 所有必要的 扩展.

In your admin panel, navigate to "扩展 > Manage" 标签:
In "上传 Package File”选项卡, press the “选择文件”按钮 and choose "主题# # #.邮政编码" 文件 from the "joomla" folder of your template package. You'll see the installation confirmation massage.

To install the Joomla模板, press the 上传 & 安装 button.

下一个 you need to install all the necessary 扩展. The scheme of actions is similar to the previous 一个.

按下 “选择文件”按钮. Go to your template package folder and then, to the "sources" folder. There you'll see the 扩展' archive 文件s. Choose 一个 and press "Open" button. 之后,按 上传 & 安装 一个. You'll see the installation confirmation massage.

You need to install each extension 一个 by 一个.

When installation process is complete, please activate the template. In the top menu, navigate to "扩展 > 模板”选项卡.

Select the new template and press the “默认” button. Now you can check the new appearance of your website:


Sample data are used to make your Joomla website look similar to our Live Demo. It contains sample articles, images, module settings, website settings, etc.

In case, you do not want to use sample images or any other sample content, please skip this step.

Sample Data installation can be achieved in two simple steps:


In 订单 to upload sample images, please open the template package and go to "sources" folder. Here you will find "to_root_folder". It contains 文件s that need be uploaded to the root directory of your Joomla engine.

In 订单 to upload 文件s to your server, please use File Manager of your Hosting cPanel.


The last and the most important step of installing Sample Data is SQL文件导入ing. SQL 文件 is the database dump 文件 that contains all the Joomla website data. SQL文件[转储].sql] can be imported with the help of database management tool [phpMyAdmin]. 模板SQL文件“转储”.sql" is in the "sources" folder. 请参阅下面的说明.

导入SQL文件[dump . exe].sql] to the database if you have a live website as it will completely replace your database contents, and all your website data will be lost.

请 note: before the SQL文件[转储].sql] import, please make sure that your database table prefix matches the table prefix. Check this information in the SQL 文件.

你可以检查一下 the table prefix directly in the database with the help of a database management tool. 请 pay attention to table names. Prefix is a set of symbols before the table names [for instance, in the table "jos_assets" the prefix is "jos_"]. You can also find out the table prefix in the "configuration.php" 文件 in the website root folder. 19行:

Public $dbprefix = 'jos_';


If the table prefix differ, please open the "dump.Sql”文件在任何代码编辑器. 在…的帮助下 "Find and replace" button [or CTRL+F] replace the table prefix "jos_" [它在SQL中使用 文件] with your database prefix [the prefix you've set, when installing the Joomla engine].

You can also check the detailed video-tutorial that will show you How to change database prefix in the SQL 文件.

In 订单 to import sample content [dump.sql ] to the database, please follow the next steps [please check out the slides below]:
  1. Select your database from the database list in the left column in the phpMyAdmin tool:

  2. 单击 "Import" button in the top navigation menu:

  3. Click "Choose 文件" and browse for the dump.sql 文件 in the template package "sources" directory:

  4. Press "Go" to start importing 样本数据:

You can also check the detailed video-tutorial on how to import SQL 文件 using phpMyAdmin tool.


Joomla模板s contain additional 扩展: modules, plugins and comp一个nts that are used for expanding your website functionality. You can install all the additional 扩展 with the help of a bundle package provided.

You can find this archive in the ‘sources’ folder of the template. 它的名称是pkg_bundle_v/.../.邮政的. It can be easily installed, as any other extension or theme, with the help of 扩展 manager of your Joomla admin panel.
  1. 请 open your Joomla admin panel. 从顶部菜单中选择 “扩展”. 从下拉菜单中选择 “驯马术” button.
  2. 请 select the "安装" option in the left column or in the dropdown list;
  3. 按下 "Browse/Choose 文件" button and find the 'sources/pkg_bundle.压缩的档案;
  4. 按下 “上传 and install” button, in 订单 to install all modules:

If your theme contains some 扩展 that are not included to 'pkg_bundle.邮政编码', you should install them separately. This should be d一个 just like installing 'sources/pkg_bundle.Zip在…的帮助下扩展管理器”.

The 文件 names of 扩展 archives usually start with '的mod_', 'com_' or 'plg_', so you will easily recognize them.