SimpleX -多功能Joomla模板
SimpleX与它的现代设计和用户友好的界面, it's the ideal solution for anyone who wants to create a professional-looking website without spending a lot of time or money.
Sales: 102
Support: 5/5
Dream - Construction Joomla模板
Builder is a Joomla construction template designed for modern Sites. This template seamlessly showcases construction projects with its sleek layout, 可定制的功能, 响应式设计.
Sales: 88
Support: 4.9/5
Raees -创意机构Joomla 5模板
Raees Creative Agency Joomla 5 Template is for modern businesses. It is 100% responsive and Well-organized and very easy to customize, Raees是一个更好的方式来展示你的现代业务.
Sales: 36
Support: 4.2/5
盾-网络安全Moto CMS 3模板
在介绍网络安全服务之前, ensure that your business card is entirely consistent with the niche specifics and professional capabilities. 好消息是,这很容易做到...
Sales: 45
Support: 4.8/5
Interioni Moto CMS 3模板
Interioni is a professionally designed interior decorator Moto CMS 3 template. A stylish and elegant deign of the template is intended to appeal to the true experts who keep a close eye on the...
Sales: 50
Support: 4.8/5
在线投注Moto CMS 3模板
Trying to find a means to make your website more interesting for clients? Make use of our professional offer to build a website for online betting. 为您的Internet项目生成一个整洁的设计...
Sales: 13
Support: 4.8/5
交通物流公司Moto CMS 3模板
If you’re a novice in logistics sphere or even if you’re experienced enough, 你应该使用不同的平台来保持竞争力. You know as well as anyone that so many businessmen worldwide...
Sales: 47
Support: 4.8/5
美容院- Joomla 3模板
Introducing Parlorx a captivating Joomla Beauty Parlor Ecommerce template. Elevate your salon's online presence with its stunning design & 可定制的功能.
Sales: 7
Support: 4.9/5
高级无线电台摩托CMS 3模板
Are you a music fan who also owns a business that deals with FM radio? Then have a look at this radio station website template to see how you can incorporate it into an existing or new website to...
Sales: 29
Support: 4.8/5
修理- Handyman Moto CMS 3模板
无论世界上发生什么情况, house repair and maintenance services will always be on the list the most demanded. And the handyman website template will help you stay on top and become your...
Sales: 48
Support: 4.8/5

CMS & Blog Templates

Our collection of CMS and Blog Templates is presented in this section. Because blogging is extremely popular today we proudly offer you the stylish way to say ‘Hello’ and impress the world with the 专业的美你的博客.

This section contains the Content Management System (CMS) Templates that will make managing your website easier than you can imagine. Using CMS platforms to run your website is very common today and allows you to manage your website professionally, even if you know nothing about HTML 或者其他代码语言.

WordPress Themes

WordPress主题是一个皮肤(主题或模板) 最流行的博客软件之一——WordPress. It does not 不管你写的是什么. 我们有专业博客的设计 业余爱好者也一样.


Joomla Themes

Joomla模板是高级布局 令人惊叹的,但完全自适应的设计与Joomla使用! CMS platform. Whether you are planning to put up an online blog, a gallery or a business website targeted at a specific audience, these themes will 成为任何在线项目的完美人选. 慢慢来,好好 看看我们能提供什么!


Drupal Themes

从模板怪物Drupal主题是 themes that can be installed on the CMS platform to customize the design of your website. Drupal是一个开源的CMS平台 webmaster with a diverse set of administrative capabilities and yet 仍然非常舒适和易于使用.


Moto CMS 3模板

MotoCMS 3 Templates are complete website solutions equipped with an advanced Drag&掉落管理面板方便的网站管理. MotoCMS provides users with a wide range of widgets to create photo galleries, contact forms, 嵌入谷歌地图, etc. No other CMS offers such fantastic functionality while keeping things that simple.

查看所有Moto CMS 3模板


Throughout the Templateog体育首页 marketplace, you’ll find several CMS templates 与许多主题相关. 无论你从事什么行业, you’ll find a corresponding theme that will satisfy your needs the best, 确保所有必需的特性和功能. The following are some of the most common topics you can encounter:

  • home and family;
  • 社会与人;
  • 电脑和互联网;
  • real estate;
  • 动物和宠物;
  • electronics;
  • medical;
  • 食品和餐馆;
  • 娱乐和游戏;
  • art and culture.


When 选择合适的内容管理系统 (CMS), you should keep in mind all your personal or business needs. However, sometimes, as there are many CMSs, the choice isn’t as easy as it seems to be.

This is why we listed below some of the most important things you should consider when selecting one or another CMS.

Ease of use

The most important thing to think about when choosing a CMS is its ease of use. Managing all the content of your website won’t be easy if the system isn’t simple.

You should ask yourself what basic requirements your website needs and how you’d like to organize and handle its content.

Thus, 在你做出选择之前, you should make sure that the CMS has all the functionalities and options that will allow you to handle every part of your website the best.


Most of the content management systems are free, but only with their basic versions. In some cases, you may need to have full control over every aspect of your website. 在这种情况下,您可能需要付费.

Thus, 在选择CMS之前, you need to consider the price you’ll have to pay and make sure it is aligned with your budget.


One of the most important things to consider when selecting a CMS is whether it will allow you to edit any spot of your website or not. 无法做到这一点可能会令人烦恼和沮丧. Plus, you may be forced to hire and pay a developer if you’re inexperienced with code editing.


You surely need a CMS that keeps your content, users, and visitors safe. Thus, you can’t do without one that ensures your website’s safety. 选择一个具有健壮的安全协议和特性的. 另外,选择一个优先考虑自动化的系统.g.、自动备份、软件更新等)。. This way, you won’t do it manually, risking compromising the security of your site.


Buying a template instead of creating your website from scratch brings many advantages. 这就解释了为什么越来越多的人喜欢这样做. 其好处超出了经济领域.

Below we listed some of the most relevant ones you’ll potentially get.


从零开始创建一个网站需要设计方面的专业知识, 除了用户体验和用户界面方面的知识. If you're a beginner or inexperienced, you may end up with poor results. In such a case, buying a template can be a better option for you to consider. It’ll provide your site with a professional layout and all the most important functionalities you need.


A template will have a consistent design, which is another advantage. 设计的一致性 confers professionality and trustworthiness to your content, 哪一种会让人们停留更长时间并与之互动. Plus, 这样的设计也会让你的品牌形象更强, as people will be able to recognize it across the web and on social media platforms.


Hiring a web developer to realize your website can be very expensive and can require a long time, 基于项目的复杂性. 如果你迫切需要启动你的业务, 购买模板可能是适合您的正确解决方案. You’ll be able to implement it immediately and, in most cases, you won’t spend more than $100.


大多数在线模板都提供免费支持, 然后你可以通过支付一点额外费用来延长. 这是特别方便的, 在模板的实现或使用过程中, 您可能对其功能有问题或疑问. 通过联系支持,您将立即得到答案. As a result, you'll save the time and effort you'd have to expend if you were to figure the issue out yourself.


大多数最近的模板是seo友好和响应. This means users will be able to access and clearly see and interact with your website regardless of the device they access it from. 另外,他们是seo友好. For instance, 他们只提出必要的功能, 排除那些不是严格意义上不可或缺的. This means your website will load faster, and it’ll potentially rank higher on Google search results. 因此,它将获得更多的曝光,流量和线索.


If you need more than a single CMS template or multiple graphics for your project, 订阅 og体育首页ONE Plan可能是您需要的正确解决方案. 它将允许您无限制地访问和下载 CMS templates and many other digital graphics designed by experts worldwide using professional tools and software.

CMS Templates Q&A


A CMS template is a pre-designed resource that shows the structure and design for any website’s comprehensive layout and display features. It is compatible with a content management system, a tool used to manage a website's content.


WordPress是最流行和使用的CMS之一. Offering a wide range of options and tools, WP makes managing a website easy and functional.

What is Drupal?

Drupal是一款内容管理软件. It helps you create versatile and structured content that every website needs.

What is Moto CMS?

Moto CMS is a website builder that allows you to make mobile-friendly websites.