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VirtueMart 2.x. How to edit footer copyright

Vincent White March 23, 2014
Rating: 4.7/5. From 3 votes.
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This tutorial shows how to edit footer copyright in VirtueMart 2.x templates.

VirtueMart 2.x. How to edit footer copyright VirtueMart 2.x._How_to_edit_footer_copyright-1
  1. You can see the footer copyright text on the screenshot above. For templates that come with the Template Settings link footer link can be removed in the templates\themeXXX\html\mod_footer\default.php file. We have opened the file. In order to remove the link, you should delete the code highlighted on the screenshot, save changes and upload the modified file.

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  2. In order to change the copyright text, you need to add language overrides and replace the original text\links. Go to Extensions -> Language Manager, open the Overrides tab. Select the language, for which you are going to set an override. Click New.

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  3. Copy part of copyright text (which is not linked), paste it and click Search. Open the search result. Change text/edit the code. Date shows current year, site name shows your Joomla web site name. Save the changes.

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  4. You can change site name in the Joomla global configuration -> Site tab. Add another language override for the second part of footer copyright. You can add it in the same way as we have specified above.

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  5. We have changed footer copyright. Please check the screenshot below.

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Feel free to check the detailed video tutorial below:

VirtueMart 2.x. How to edit footer copyright
This entry was posted in VirtueMart Tutorials and tagged change, copyright, edit, footer, VirtueMart. Bookmark the permalink.

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